2 Simple Ways To Improve Your Unit Tests

Over the past 20 years, testing has become a cornerstone of software development. To turn software development into a true profession, we need to create robust, secure, safe, and efficient systems. The simplest tool in our toolbox starts us on this road: the unit test. Like an accountant, the unit test is a fantastic way for us to perform double-entry bookkeeping. The unit test double checks our work is correct, and makes sure we keep it from morphing into something we did not want....

October 3, 2017 · 4 min · 825 words · Jack Histon

ASP.NET MVC Core – Repository Overview: Model Binding

I think that the best way to learn how to code, is to read code. That is why I think the number one tool out there for an aspiring developer is GitHub. When I found out that the ASP.NET Core team at Microsoft were going to open source their platforms, I was ecstatic. Not just because of the open source movement, but because it would be my chance to learn the techniques used at Microsoft, and how they provide such a wonderful framework to work in....

August 21, 2017 · 6 min · 1072 words · Jack Histon

Sharing Controller and Views in ASP.NET Core

This post will describe how to share controllers and views across ASP.NET Core applications, shared via an ASP.NET Core library. Best practices within the model-view-controller (MVC) world dictate that we should keep our controllers as thin as possible. Controllers should be extracted away from business logic, operational logic, and any sort of decision making. The only real thing controllers should be doing, are acting as a bridge. A bridge from the http world, to the domain logic of an application....

August 15, 2017 · 2 min · 387 words · Jack Histon

The Interface Segregation Principle

Why is the single responsibility principle (SRP) so hard to define? From my experience, SRP stumbles people much more than any other SOLID principle. I thought back to my own struggles with the five principles, and thought it would be better to explain SOLID in a different way; or rather, a different order. What is an interface? a point where two systems, subjects, organizations, etc. meet and interact. When A wants to interact with B, A will communicate through interface C, for which A and B mutually understands....

August 3, 2017 · 5 min · 1003 words · Jack Histon